AdShield is a FREE AdBlocker for Chrome, Firefox, and IE. AdShield protects against ads and pop-ups.
AdShield blocks advertising on all web pages, including Facebook and YouTube. It also protects user privacy on the web through anti-malware and anti-social tracking features. AdShield completely removes all forms of tracking fom the internet.
AdShield blocks video ads, flash ads, and other unconventional types of ads.
AdShield is supported by all top browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and IE.
AdShield removes YouTube video ads before you see them.
Our database contains millions of websites. AdShield will protect you from scams!
Remove ads before data is loaded on your computer.
Block websites in more than 17 categories, including pornography, drugs, and violence.
Installation is quick & easy.
Try AdShield today and protect yourself!